Hi! I’m Audra. I am a passionate believer in the power of creativity and its ability to bring confidence to your life.

I am an equal opportunity offender of all things fabric related. Who I am kidding, I am an equal opportunity offender of all things creativity related.

I grew up in a family of women and men who took ideas and brought them to life. In our family, we called it the Church of Hand and Mind. No, this isn’t an officially sanctioned religion, but it is a belief that you can bring what you dream to life with the power of your hands.

I am willing to try anything creative. I am willing to fail and I am willing to try again. My favorite part of sewing, painting, and crafting is that we learn and we grow our skills with every project we embark on.

I am not perfect. I am not an expert. But I love creating and sharing and I look forward to learning and growing with you.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

And for those who are super curious… I am a Pisces, Enneagram 2 wing 3, married to my best friend, mother to an amazing young woman, step-mother to two incredible adults, mother to a furry (crazy cuddly) rescue pup, proud sci-fi and Harry Potter nerd, learning to speak Italian, and always planning my next five projects (at the same time).