July Mood Board
In the height of summer, there is one thing I can guarantee you. You will find me drinking coffee while watering my flowers every morning (unless Mother Nature takes care of it for me).
This time of year brings me such joy. Seeing flowers bloom everyday, new growth, bright colors. I spend hours upon hours caring for all our plants. It is a true practice of active meditation.
Every week I deadhead my flowers. Deadheading is where you clip the bloomed flowers so more blooms can grow in their place, making the flowers larger and bushier. Letting those stunning flowers take up more space and own who they are.
It is a living breathing example of taking a step back, to move forward. Clip a finished bloom, so two more can grow up in its place.
Source Images: Pinterest
This month I am using the inspiration of bright blooms, continual growth, and embracing the idea of deadheading in my creative practice.
I hope July’s mood board, full of bright colors, brings you inspiration to own all the brightness in your life.
Look closer this month at who you are as a creative. Where should you deadhead your creative process? Where are you dulling yourself instead of deadheading and shining brighter?
Send me a note a tell me what you are deadheading this month.